Business incubator

Business incubator

Potential co-operation

The VIENNA POINT Technology Park is offering its partners unique infrastructure that will develop their potential for innovation. The park comprises both administrative and technological buildings, which are home to numerous Czech and international innovative enterprises. With such a high concentration of pioneering projects, the business incubator becomes a site around which multiple entities can co-operate together.

The space has enough room for twenty or so innovative companies with a future development strategy. At the VIENNA POINT site you will find everything that these types of projects are looking for. We offer modern, high-quality facilities, surrounding infrastructure, excellent transport accessibility and every kind of service connected to renting property in a business incubator.

Contact us
Coffee shopSpace for your meetings.
Conference roomOpportunities for company meetings.
Co-operationMake contact with the other projects.
Zasedačka - Zasedačka Open space - Open space
The administrative and technology complex VIENNA POINT is located in an attractive quarter of Brno on the street Vídeňská, which is home to numerous private and public sector entities. In close proximity is the Masaryk University Campus, offering further capacity for innovatory projects and advanced technological facilities.
D1 EXIT 194 A
0,5 km
Brno Airport
10 km
City center
5 min
MU Campus
5 min

Contact us

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VIENNA POINT a.s., Vídeňská 119, 619 00 Brno, Czech Republic

IČO: 26229269, DIČ: CZ26229269, společnost zapsána v OR vedeným Krajským soudem v Brně, spisová značka B 3433

+420 547 137 605 /

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